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Breastfeeding the 

         Older Nursling

£85 for 1 hour

There are many reasons why a breastfeeding dyad may want to continue past a year, two, three, or longer... What are the reasons for doing this? Is it causing bad habits? Is it harming the child in some way? Will they ever sleep through the night? Or do I need to encourage weaning? These are all valid concerns that many parents have about continuing to breastfeed. 


This consultation gives you an opportunity to address concerns you may have, and we can look at information available to us, so that you may be able to make a more informed decision about whether you'd like to carry on, or how you might be able to gently wean your little one from the breast.


I am happy to have additional family members present for these consultations, as it can sometimes be informative for grandparents, aunts/uncles, when they are in a position to support the breast/chestfeeding parent.

© 2019 by J'Nel Metherell, IBCLC

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Serving Milton Keynes, Bedfordshire, Northamptonshire, Leighton Buzzard, and North Bucks in England, UK

Specialising in issue  including but not limited to sore nipples, painful damaged nipples, slow weight gain, baby not gaining weight, low supply, increasing milk supply, making more breastmilk, feeding twins and multiples, colic, reflux, silent reflux, insufficient glandular tissue (IGT), weaning,introducing solids, baby led weaning, baby vitamins, formula top ups, top ups, breastpump, exclusively pumping, return to work, growth spurt, cluster feeding, frequent feeding, intolerance, allergies, feeding an older baby, night weaning, sleeping through the night, breastfeeding, doula, postnatal support, babywearing, birth, fourth trimester, baby carriers, baby sling, postnatal depression, postpartum support, drugs in breastmilk, breastmilk, breast reduction, breast augmentation, implants, blood in nappy, bottlefeeding, dummies, bedsharing, co-sleeping, craniosacral therapy, cranialsacral therapy, trauma, birth trauma, tongue tie, oral restriction, therapy, pelvic girdle pain, sciatica

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